Can You Be a Christian and a Great Leader?

The answer may surprise you and maybe even frightened you.

With over 166,000 leadership books on Amazon, all of which are spewing out all the right things that every great leader must do and all the wrong things that every great leader should avoid doing, what could be missing?

The answer lies in a tangled mess of desires in every person’s heart. Desires that cannot and must not be ignored. Desires that have been planted there by God Himself. Seven Desires designed by God to draw us to himself. And of these seven core desired aspirations, leadership is not among them. But no one can ever become a great leader without all of them.

So, the haunting question arises, when is it wrong to want to be a leader? Should I ever be praying to ask God to make me a better leader? Can anyone become a great leader? What is preventing me from being a great leader right now? How would I ever know if I am a great leader?

Is Great Leadership more about “doing,” or more about “being?” Can we misuse any of God’s Seven Desires He has instilled in our hearts and destroy our leadership potential?

Lavon Koerner speaking at the International Leadership Conference/Summit in India. Featuring the Untangling Seven Desires session and book release.

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