Too Often People Talk About How to Lead But Fail to Talk About Giving People the Freedom to Lead.

If you are looking to bring a catalyst for refreshment, Lavon Koerner brings soul-quenching and leadership-building sessions to your group. Ministries, churches, global causes, and international corporations have featured LaVon as a keynote speaker for his training and foundational workshops.

Contact LaVon Inspirations to organize the right presentation for your mission and leadership goals.

Example Speaking Engagements: 

  • Leadership Retreats
  • Church Ministry Conferences
  • Business Conferences
  • Organizational Change Management Sessions
  • Podcast & Radio Interviews



Lavon Koerner speaking at the International Leadership Conference/Summit in India. Featuring the Untangling Seven Desires session and book release.


"We did hit our financial goals.  One thing that was great this year was the significant increase in sponsorships (almost double), so we knew even before we started what the majority of our donations would be.  From the outset, though, the most important goal of the breakfast is to increase our outreach and communicate our mission.  You helped us to do this perfectly – thank you again!"

“As to the speaker, I was smitten by his manner and wit and message; and I sincerely wished he had more time to say more of all he was obviously able to share.”

"I was indeed truly impressed by LaVon...and foremost because I was impressed that he briskly and clearly demonstrated his love of my/our God's Word for us, His children."

“That was one of my favorite speakers you have had at the breakfast.”



In a world that appears to be growing more deeply divided, we all share in the desperation and joy of 7 essential, God-planted desires. Fulfill these, with God's help, and experience true emotional freedom.


This workbook book provides the foundation to rapid Christian growth. The 12-week study program, for individuals or groups, is designed to reveal and fill the Love-Gaps that are in the seven God-implanted Desires of your Hearts.


The second Fruit of the Spirit (joy) makes you an inspirational and infectious person to be around. Learn how to replace everyday Joy Killers with Joy Makers.