About This Book

Christ said, “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full” (John 15:11).

A joy-filled person is the best advertisement Christ has for a joyless world to consider his loving offer of salvation. The second fruit of the Spirit (joy) makes one an inspirational and infectious person to be around, whether you are a marriage partner, a business leader, or a next-door neighbor.

The way Christ wants to accomplish this in and for us is through his two-step process as outlined in Colossians 3:

Step One: “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you” (Col. 3:5). We will refer to this as the removal of a Joy Killer.

Step Two: “Put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge” (Col. 3:10). We will refer to this as a Joy Maker.

Each chapter is divided into these two steps. With each chapter, you find an increasingly deep and rewarding joy as you pitch your tent one day closer to eternity.

Featured Whitepapers

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Getting Free from Oppressive Condemnation

Becoming totally liberated from your guilt, shame, and debilitating self-denunciation Download and Share This Article (PDF) The awful things that condemnation is doing to you Nothing negatively affects your personal human behavior more than having voluntarily or most often, involuntarily submitted to the tyrannical self-degrading feeling of being condemned. It deprives your heart from automatically gushing with…
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Enjoy listening to a 20 minute Podcast on the very interesting and novel theological foundation for LaVon’s newest book Life’s Joy Killers and Joy Makers.

More podcasts will be added as they become available.



In a world that appears to be growing more deeply divided, we all share in the desperation and joy of 7 essential, God-planted desires. Fulfill these, with God's help, and experience true emotional freedom.


This workbook book provides the foundation to rapid Christian growth. The 12-week study program, for individuals or groups, is designed to reveal and fill the Love-Gaps that are in the seven God-implanted Desires of your Hearts.


The second Fruit of the Spirit (joy) makes you an inspirational and infectious person to be around. Learn how to replace everyday Joy Killers with Joy Makers.