How to Be Transformed By Truth: Critical Guidelines for Using the “Heart” Workbook

The foundational book, Untangling the Seven Desires in Your Heart, was designed to expose and make you mindful that buried deep in the aspirations of your own heart are desires that will not and must not be ignored. Each “Desire” was purposely implanted by God in your heart to push and pull you to something bigger than yourself and that resides outside of yourself.

Until each of those seven Desires are satisfied, they become a curse to every non-believer condemning them to a life of restless pursuits, always in search of an elusive fulfillment that never comes. But to those who come to Faith in God and his Son, Jesus Christ, these noisy and demanding internal Desires become the doorway to a life transformation resulting in your ultimate fulfillment from the most satisfying and liberating love-relationship with the most powerful person in the universe.

But that transformational process doesn’t happen in a moment, in a blink of an eye, it’s a journey where you personally take one desire at a time and put it on the alter and leave it in the lap of Jesus to do for you that which you cannot do for yourself. And this workbook will take you on a slow and deliberate walk forward, fully knowing that Satan will fight and deceive you every step of the way for he knows if your journey of faith is successful, he will lose you to Jesus forever. The stakes for your future have never been higher. The eyes of eternity are upon you! And many prayers have already been made in your behalf.

Therefore, go forward with full faith, Satan be damned, looking full in the face of Jesus listening to His beckoning call, seeing his outstretched arms ready to take you by the hand and securely lead you forward on the most liberating journey anyone can ever possibly make.

Grab some buddies to travel down this road with you and take encouragement from each other. Traveling this journey alone is far too risky, let God work through you to make others successful as others accept accountability to ensure your success. On this journey, nobody reaches the finish line all by themselves. Yes, and sadly, some will drop out, don’t let that be you and for God’s sake, don’t let it be one of your buddies.

Remember, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 (NIV)

Sufficient is this word to the wise in this Biblical warning.
