Open Letter to Church Leaders

Dear Church Leader,

In Psalm 11:3, we are told “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Have you ever wondered why some people can be part of a church ministry week after week and still end up committing grievous sins, becoming slaves to addictions or having significant relationship problems and seemingly unable to grow into fruit-bearing people? This scripture reveals why. They have a “foundations” problem. Until these seven core “heart” yearnings that are foundational in every human being, are addressed, all the good preaching and teaching in the world cannot help them. They have a tangled heart problem resulting in debilitating and negative emotions demanding their constant attention!

The Untangling of the Seven Desires of Your Heart book will provide the foundation that every Christian must have in order experience healthy and rapid Christian growth. The 12-week study program, facilitated by this book along with its companion Heart-Workbook, are designed to reveal and fill the Love-Gaps that are in the seven God-implanted Desires of their Hearts. The book and its accompanying study sessions will give your people the “Foundations” referred to in Psalm 11. It will position and enable them to experience accelerated sanctification for becoming a model and powerful fruit-bearing Christian.

I pray that God will give you a vision for how to use these resources for Untangling the Seven Desires of your people’s hearts, setting them emotionally free to serve Christ along with you!

— LaVon

Reader Feedback

To read a sample of the feedback from an Individual following the international launch of the book in November of 2018, review this note from Reena Emmanuel (From India).

Dear LaVon,

I really enjoyed reading the book. For me, it was a way that GOD chose to answer and bring clarity into what I underwent in these past few months. I was at my lowest and I couldn’t understand how I reached there. I felt so dead, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. It was like the very breath from my body was taken away and I felt like a zombie, that walked and talked but was dead. I was never broken to this extent ever in my entire life. And GOD being a good Father, did bring me out of it in HIS great mercy, grace, gentleness, and goodness. But I never understood the root cause of it. And I always had this fear that I hope I don’t get into the same situation again. I knew GOD forgave me and cleaned up my mess, but I felt so unworthy of HIS love and was angry with myself for allowing such things to happen.

Reading your book shed so much light on what had really happened. It was like taking a theory class but after the practicals. It helped me understand why I behaved or reacted the way I did. It has given me directions and confidence on how to avoid repeating the same mistakes and getting into that kind of thinking and emotional wreck. I loved the way how you have spoken from your heart and included childlike expressions in certain places. I also liked the fact that you and your team has invested so much prayer into this book and you also encourage people to do so in every chapter. I personally feel some of these love-gaps are so personal that it is very difficult to open up and talk to others especially for people like me who bottle up all their emotions inside. I was amazed to see how you were sensitive to certain points and you made it a point to put personal notes to encourage the readers to not to give up or feel guilty and beat themselves up. Personally reading this book gave me the impression that this content has come from a broken vessel than from a perfect vessel. Which is very comforting as it gives me the assurance that the author can identify with our struggles.

From the bottom of my heart thank you so much for writing this book. I am so glad that GOD insisted on you writing it 😊

Blessings and Love, Reenapage3image44257552

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