A Poem For Todd

It seems like yesterday when we were in the small-town hospital awaiting your arrival,
Boy or girl, no matter which, we were just concerned about your mom’s C-Section survival.
In that moment, our world and our future lives were forever radically changed,
A family was brought into being, a union of personalities that only God could have arranged.
You were a 9 lb.11-ounce boy, and you invaded my heart,
You were a wonder of wonders from the very start.
You were propelled by your relentless curiosity to explore everything regardless of guidelines.
The world in which you lived consisted of no stop signs,
Your spirit of wonder spurred you across all cautionary lines,
For you, everything needed exploring, even if there were hidden land mines.
Your creative drive was your unequalled strength,
It would drive you forward to the furthest length.
To say that you were fun to be with would be an understatement,
No hours, or days where we could have fun, were ever left vacant.
You brought music and happiness to a sometimes dull and dreary world,
Every moment of silence became a target against which your music would be hurled.
The piano keyboard became your ultimate playground,
It is where the fulfillment from your creative drive was found.
From your earliest days when you accepted Jesus as your Savior,
You played Him all those wonderful songs that found His favor.
Now your piano music has gone silent,
Your texts and videos are now quiet.
Your accident has robbed us of you and your music’s presence,
But because of your lifelong love of Jesus, you will never leave our existence.
It’s now just a matter of time, until we are all together again in heaven as a family,
And this horrible moment of your tragic accident will be cleared of all its agony.
But until that time, as your forever loving and proud dad,
I will have to experience the unwanted feeling of being sad.
But underneath it all I have the strongest sustaining feeling of hope,
And because of it, living with your loss, I will until heaven, be able to cope.
Where once again, I will hear the melodies of your piano’s sound,
And all those sweet memories will then, be refound!