Why Didn’t God Keep My Son From Being Killed?

Devastated and Demanding of Answers That Would Stop my Heart’s Emotional Bleeding I have a real heart-felt reason to question the existence of God, Todd Von Koerner, was my oldest son, He was 56 years old ridding his cherished Motorcycle home, He hit the retaining wall of the exit ramp while coming off the freeway.…

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A Poem For Todd

It seems like yesterday when we were in the small-town hospital awaiting your arrival, Boy or girl, no matter which, we were just concerned about your mom’s C-Section survival. In that moment, our world and our future lives were forever radically changed, A family was brought into being, a union of personalities that only God…

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Todd, Now That You Are Gone, How Can I Love You?

LaVon Inspirations Blog

Unanswered Questions Some things are difficult or very hard, other things just seem like pure Hell, When I was told of your accident in which you died, that was my hardest, I do tell. What now, where do I go, what should I think and what can I say? No answers, just emotional pain as…

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