Posts by Lauren Young
Getting Free from Oppressive Condemnation
Becoming totally liberated from your guilt, shame, and debilitating self-denunciation Download and Share This Article (PDF) The awful things that condemnation is doing to you Nothing negatively affects your personal human behavior more than having voluntarily or most often, involuntarily submitted to the tyrannical self-degrading feeling of being condemned. It deprives your heart from automatically gushing with…
Read MorePreparing to Lead: For Small Group & Bible Study Leaders
Preparing to Lead: Partnering With God to Make a Difference Written with leaders of Untangling The Seven Desires of Your Heart Workbook in mind, but applicable to all Bible studies and small group. Would you like to know how you got here? (You may think you know, but you don’t!) I’m so glad you are reading…
Read MoreLetting God Love It Away: How to Address Anxiety
Addressing the symptom, but not the problem I have the wonderful privilege of being a part of a men’s Bible Study every Friday morning. We study together, we laugh and cry together, and we are always praying for each other. This last Friday when each of us were sharing what we needed for our brothers…
Read MoreOpen Letter to Church Leaders
Dear Church Leader, In Psalm 11:3, we are told “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Have you ever wondered why some people can be part of a church ministry week after week and still end up committing grievous sins, becoming slaves to addictions or having significant relationship problems and seemingly unable…
Read MoreOptimizing Suffering: Are You Getting The Most Out Of It?
When I arrive in Heaven, one of the very first things I will tell Jesus is, “Thank you for the suffering you allowed me to have where I was blessed to endure it with Your gracious assistance and the measured hope you gave me daily! For without which, I would never have had the opportunity…
Read MoreThe Forgotten Christians: The Church’s Mismanagement of Believers
The “Church” today looks a lot like other organizations who are wanting to show and demonstrate growth and success by adding to their numbers and adding to their affluence. Although unadmitted, church success is often measured by numerical attendance, size of buildings and campuses. And like human organizations, our Sunday services are often judged by…
Read MoreWhy Didn’t God Keep My Son From Being Killed?
Devastated and Demanding of Answers That Would Stop my Heart’s Emotional Bleeding I have a real heart-felt reason to question the existence of God, Todd Von Koerner, was my oldest son, He was 56 years old ridding his cherished Motorcycle home, He hit the retaining wall of the exit ramp while coming off the freeway.…
Read MoreA Poem For Todd
It seems like yesterday when we were in the small-town hospital awaiting your arrival, Boy or girl, no matter which, we were just concerned about your mom’s C-Section survival. In that moment, our world and our future lives were forever radically changed, A family was brought into being, a union of personalities that only God…
Read MoreTodd, Now That You Are Gone, How Can I Love You?
Unanswered Questions Some things are difficult or very hard, other things just seem like pure Hell, When I was told of your accident in which you died, that was my hardest, I do tell. What now, where do I go, what should I think and what can I say? No answers, just emotional pain as…
Read MoreHow to Be Transformed By Truth: Critical Guidelines for Using the “Heart” Workbook
The foundational book, Untangling the Seven Desires in Your Heart, was designed to expose and make you mindful that buried deep in the aspirations of your own heart are desires that will not and must not be ignored. Each “Desire” was purposely implanted by God in your heart to push and pull you to something…
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